Thank you for finding your way here to the Delta Discovery Center's Social Hub!
Most people go to the internet when searching for services like what we offer here at the Center. And, our clients often tell us how helpful it is to read past clients' reviews before booking their own experience with us.
Can you do us a favor?
Click on one of the images below and give us a 5 Star or Excellent review on TripAdvisor, Google and/or Yelp.
If for any reason you don't feel like we earned your praise, please go to the Contact Us page or pick up the phone and let us know what we could have done to improve your experience.
Thanks in advance!
Charlie and Gala
Be Social!
We try to share information, ideas and interesting articles to support you on your journey of self-discovery and healing.
You can escape the stress and anxiety of your daily life by taking some time out for self-care.
We can help whether you're one mile away or a thousand miles away. Start by connecting with us to learn more about your options.
The universe thrives on reciprocity ... giving and receiving. Allow us to share the love with you by following us on your favorite social channels.